Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Valentine Tribute

My Mom......... Where would I begin to describe my Mom. She just had her 75th birthday on Jan. 26th. She has been the best Mom we could have ever asked for. She was always called the "Jack of all Trades" by her friends and all that knew her. She could paint with oils, watercolors, and did tole painting, sew anything and was a perfectionist at that. She has made majorette uniforms, bridesmaid dresses etc, and did sewing and alterations for many. My cousin had a dream when I was in elementary school that my Mom made my shoes because she made everything for me. Even my coats. She made so many quilts, and even would design and make quilts for people, she knit sweaters and toboggans, and crocheted tablecloths and doilies galore. She could also cook and bake. Especially bake. She made the best apple pies and apple butter stack cakes. I still can't make biscuits like she did. She was so kind and loving to others, and was a confidante for many. She would do anything for anyone, and would give you the shirt off her back. We have been so blessed to have our parents. I thank God everyday that I grew up in a Christian home with parents that love us.
About 5 years ago we started seeing signs that her memory was failing. Then 3 1/2 years ago, a week after cataract surgery she had a stroke that affected her left side. Since then it has been a gradual decline. Since this picture was taken about 2 weeks ago, we have had to move a hospital bed in. We think she has had another mini-stroke. She has had other complications and has been very uncomfortable. She cries and gets very upset so they had to prescribe anxiety meds to help with that. She can no longer walk and can't speak to us to tell us if anything is wrong or what she wants. She will say something occasionally but very little. It is so sad. My Dad is her main caretaker and he is 80. He isn't stable with walking himself, so that leaves me, my brother and sister with lots of worrying. He is also determined to take care of her as long as he can. He has finally decided to have the Dr. prescribe home health care. We help as much as possible and as much as he will let us. Our cousin Connie has been the greatest. We have a local aging program aid come in to help out a few hours two days a week. Maylea can't seem to figure out what is going on with Mamaw. She will kiss her on the cheek and try to talk to her. Before this all happened Mom would call Maylea that little black headed girl, and she could say her name. Now she doesn't do that.
True compassion and empathy seems to come when you are faced with and are in a situation. I have known several that have been here, but didn't actually realize the affects the stress has on your mind and body. Pray for us that we will have wisdom while caring for our Mom and Dad


The Ferguson Family said...

My prayers are with you. My mom's mother and my dad's mother both lived with us at different times. My Granny (dad's mom) fell Nov. 2006 when she was visiting my aunt in Michigan. She hasn't been able to come home since this accident. She is in a nursing home. It is very difficult watching her health decline. I think I always want to remember the "real" Granny. It is so sad because you know they don't want to be so dependent on other people. I'll continue to pray for your mom and dad. What a blessing for her to be around Maylea even if she can't express it.

K.P. said...


I am teary reading this. I love you and will be praying for you. I'm here if you need something...anytime! This is a season no one can do for you, but I will certainly walk with you through it in any way I can.

More private!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

People should read this.